Exciting Rides for Kids at the Best Children's Amusement Park

We absolutely love when your lil ones are happy as they bounce up and down, and go round and round on rides like Crazy Gliders, Hello Kitty Fun House, and Ocean Carousels to name a few.

Unleash the imaginative & adventurous spirit in a child as they compete in a horse race or ride through the jungle on an Elephant!

How can we help you?

  • Q. What are the blue swiper games?
  • A. All the video games at Fun City have swipers where you use your powercard to play. Some of them are blue in color - these are mainly some of the big rides, kiddie rides, and video games. Ticket games are not included in the blue swiper games.
  • Q. Why am I needed to sit in the rides with my children, it already has belts and safety bars for the kids. How can you ensure my child is safe when I ride with him/her?
  • A. All our rides and games have been designed keeping your child’s safety in mind, so once all the safety measures have been taken and safety checks are done by our staff, you can be assured that your child will have a safe and enjoyable experience. Aside from the safety, your presence will give more comfort to your child that helps them to enjoy the ride.
  • Q. If something happens when the ride is in motion what can the adult do if they are accompanying the kid?
  • A. All our rides have been designed specifically keeping a child’s safety as our priority. Should the child be uncomfortable, all the adult needs to do is signal the staff and they will halt the ride.
  • Q. Why do you have so many rules and regulations in all the areas?
  • A. The rides and regulations are in place because we understand that your child’s safety is of utmost importance and we want to ensure that whenever they visit us, they return back home with happy memories.
  • Q. Why are kids who are allowed to play bumper cars below 90cm with an adult not allowed to play bouncy cars?
  • A. These two rides come from a different manufacturer who has set different restriction, the restriction was created based on the risk category, design and movement of the ride.
  • Q. Why are the height restrictions on big rides so high?
  • A. Height restriction was set by the manufacturer and followed in the store. (Height restriction was set according to the design, movement/adrenaline of the ride)